IEEE Student Branch University of Boumerdes is the first and the only IEEE Student organization in Algeria, Located at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Boumerdes, Algeria. Most of our members are either PhD or Master and Bachelor students at the Electrical Engineering department. IEEE SB UMBB is not strictly Electrical Engineering and Information Technology oriented: We often try to seek collaboration with related fields, such as Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Technical Management and Chemical Engineering.

The IEEE team had the pleasure to contribute in organizing the ICEE 2017 (International Conference of Electrical Engineering) that was held at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, along with the efforts of the Institute's teachers, and was greatly flattered with the presence of remarkable experts in the field. Special thanks to Professors Kamel Youcef TOUMI, Tayeb A. DENIDNI, Amine BERMAK, Hamid BENTARZI, Djamel BOUCHAFFRA, and Ahmed ELTOM for their exclusive speeches, and for honoring us with their presence.
Model Your Future “MYF”: is a unique, intensive, and highly interactive experience that serves as a catalyst for profound transformations in various fields by providing several workshops.The program includes workshops in leadership, presentation skills, CV, and essay-writing to help students realize their full potential. Moreover, it aims to explore leading innovation, developing talent and empowering people, inspiring collaboration, and teamwork for better decision making.
The National Scientific Clubs Contest (NSCC) is a national competition between the Algerian scientific clubs from different fields with the aim of giving scientific clubs a suitable podium to promote their projects, ideas and activities. The first edition of the contest was held on March 7th, 2018.
Technical Skills Enhancement Academy aims to help students learning more about: software / hardware fundamentals, IOT, Signal/ Image processing and research. to complete their academic background. This project is a five-year program that consists of a series of workshops designed for engineering students regardless to their experience. Each year (level) has a specific set of workshops that will help students learn more about a certain technical field.